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About Panic Plane!

30 Mar

Panic Plane is a casual, one-button arcade survival based game, simple in interaction with a dynamic rules system that provide depth to the game. An approachable learning curve makes this game addictive and rewarding.

Sully is a brave and funny passenger plane who is flying an unusual set of nervous passengers. In the middle of the ocean Sully has an accident with a seagull, leading to a fuel tank leak. Now he must reach the airport before losing all fuel and avoid the many obstacles in his way.

Sully the plane!

In this game the player controls the airplane by touching the screen. It is constantly dropping and in order to gain altitude the player must keep pressing the screen to control the airplane and avoid the obstacles and hazards that are coming its way. This comes with a cost, every time the player presses the screen it wastes fuel, therefore it has to be managed by the player to reach the farthest possible distance. These are the basics our game builds upon, and beyond this we developed extra gameplay systems which add to the fun factor and replayability.

This is the first game for Castaway Team and it is a proof of fire leading us to know our capacities, our limits and the rewarding experience of working with a great team.

We hope to get the best out of it, learning about game development, the difficulties of working on such a big project, teamwork and ourselves.

Our mission is to develop the best one button game we can within tight schedule! restrictions.

Enjoy our work!!!

Best regards,

The Castaway Team